i'm the trash lord~torea-dumbass.tumblr.com
Gamzee awarding fef. She's a-head of the rest!
nepeta has followed in equius' footsteps
Equius deploying the sheer power of his mad muscles
karkat fuses with the ground as dave becomes an astonished onlooker. gamzee smiles subtly in the foreground and the sunbeams warm the sky
turret invalidates your presumptions that it hates you
batter is just admiring the sunset. that's it. nothing else is notable.
mister strider gets cranky alien booty
dapper dave delivers the message of love
equius is not up for vriska's horsing around
kanaya quaintly stating her comment, "welp," as she sits dubiously among lake of what appears to be the blood of her friends. what a card.