Lady Gaga has slept with Eminem and they are singing random songs.
That new big spider enemy (not the boss) from Binding of Isaac Wrath of the lamb.
An alien with sneakers tries to be friendly.
A naked guy consisting of balls has huge eyes.
Satan seriously wondering if he should turn up the heat conditioning.
A whales tongue is floating in the ocean and the moon seems to be watching it. It's night and there's a boat really far away.
A pink woman with brown hair. cant see her face.
A clam tries to jump down a cliff to end his life but realizes he wants to live, grows wings and everyone is watching in awe.
A confused pudding tries to pull his broccoli friend from a dogs mouth while a zeppelin is petting the dogs head. Broccoli is OK with this.
It seems to be the 13th century, spices taken to account. Also, a person with s correct-mark as upper teeth is unhappy.
Nyan cat with his front legs growing from his chin.
A person with long brown stiff hair pointing up. The hair isn't straight.