Furry is shocked by something. His back is to a crescent moon and he wears a nondescript vest and glasses
It's fifty-three minutes past P o'clock.
Black man in orange shirt is in a hurry to whisk a girl in green shirt and blue pants that's daydreaming of love away.
Undetailed stickman has a long left leg and is unhappy
Super Smash Bros but with hats instead of Nintendo characters
Super Smash Bros but with houses instead of Nintendo characters
Super Smash Bros but with hands instead of Nintendo characters
Super Smash Bros but with shoes instead of Nintendo characters
Skinny lady and fat short lady with similar hairstyles run from a bowling ball
Jimmy Neutron, age 70
Humanoid face with bright blue eyes, red lips, and pink blush has a mullet as well as a beard and hair that remind me of Jimmy Neutron's.