red bucktoothed cartoon grandmother with clamps for hands
Rage face coming out of the shadows says OH GOD WHY
stop sign on side of road
pig with a thermometer in his mouth
Japanese letters and 3 contemplative dogs paw on chin standing on hind legs are too cool to look at us. They are wearing shades
Chicken with a brownie for a body
Police officer finds man with hot feces on head sitting in bathtub while connected to the shower head with a bungee cord
Purple pirate octopus terrorizes screaming stick figure people.
Angry green cat throws a carrot at a lobsterlike alien while shouting Fuuuuuuuu
Trippy world, mushrooms with superman symbol in middle
"LOL" dota knockoff
MArilyn monroe bends over in her famous skirt blowing up pose but green gas comes from her rear and she says... "Tee Hee I pooted"