Bloody, 'L' - shaped poo flies through the air whilst verbalising his hate of everything
Large elongated animal with no limbs but what appears to be two balls on one end, with one eye on what appears to be a head of some kind...
A well drawn bag of snails
Pikachu going ape shit on a tortoise
*sigh* Car and balls...or close anyway
The sun is breaking up with the Earth. It's sad.
Bloodied girl swims ashore to find her t-shirt
A list entitled 'The Mr. Beef List'. It contains buckets and wangs.
Fedora-wearing, mouth-breathing neckbeard tips his fedora which is on fire
Little green blonde girl hurt her hands. Silly little green blonde girl.
All the bulimic girl wants are friends...and probably the bathroom. omg I'm so fat