Bluebird of Fail
Red Dawn: Canada
Level 6 Bard summons a ring of fire with his lute. It falls down.
Nervous blue-eyed Piggybank head prepares to catch a football.
Headless Lego man drowning in a pool of Lego heads
Tony Stark never loses in a staring contest
wounded and bloody, the Manticore asks you "Why so Mean?"
Dalek disguised as a cheese grater
Sun baked tyrannosaurus using jello instead of batter causes alarm to a civilization of gingerbread men
No Bongs Allowed in here...
Hipster Cat Lady in Hipster glasses doesn't want you to tell her how to live her life... time to drink your kombucha tea lady.
the invisible 11th doctor's failed attempt to sneak into Torchwood unnoticed