Firebreathing green skull with pool-ball eyes. (Lord English ate something a little too spicy. Watch out dreambubbles, this is gonna burn!)
Freshly baked muffins being taken out of the oven. But watch out, these muffins can bite back! They've got lips!
A black haired person wearing...a ...newspaper hat? Or a carrier bag on their head?
The Union Jack+ the Bundesflagge und Handelsflagge. Or if you look again, there's a big, red sword lying horizontally, hilt central. Oh!
'Actafata ablu!!'. An angry olive appears to be holding a bomb. The six legged fire elemental is flipping the @$%!* out.
Something yellow is lying on pink ribbons.
Kawai kitty desu.
Two confused trolls. What next? (It's Karkles and Terezi if you're familiar with the series, otherwise, just draw perplexed trolls)
A badass with a bandanna and facial hair, (possibly MGS Snake, Commander Up, or Rambo) prepares to lob footwear at a sleepy cat (Garfield).
It's Yin Yang Man, the yin and yang superhero. He doesn't know what's going on.
Interpret a lyric from one of your favourite songs as a doodle.