Hayao Miyazaki was right
Patrick Fuccboivin and his stand, [Crazy Talk]. Is this a fucking JoJo reference?
They say Edvard Munch painted this after seeing what became of Cosmo
The only thing night elves are good for
Yotsuba / Calvin & Hobbes crossover fanfiction, presented by anon
Furry is so upset that Tails isn't in smash that he loses control of his bladder
Dinosaurs actually went extinct because Lord Frieza feared their power
Mace Windu didn't go out like a bitch girl this time, now HE'S the emperor
Toucan Stan dedicates his feature film to birds everywhere
Illustrative and enlightening political cartoon, if you don't get it you're clearly uneducated
Alien recording his soon-to-be hit single
Fighting Games: The Live Action Movie