Happy Birthday, little snake! You're nine years old today, and a very friendly boy.
Professor Layton: A newfag dropped ten matchsticks, and they fell into a certain shape. Turns out it's true; newfags really CAN'T do this...
An evil vegan praying to Bahomet and his urine cloud in the middle of the night.
Flamboyant Aligator Snake makes a "what you gonna do, bitch?" pose
Oh... oh God... the triangles are collapsing...
Mohammad the Prophet of Islam
A red station wagon with no tires. It's front license plate reads "TUY5353rrrwq"
Chris-Chan meeting President Trump
A hydroelectric thief and a purple robot steal a garbage pizza together
Captain Bloodborne is high on acid
Hillary Clinton getting what's coming to her.
A frog soaring through the air on a collision course with Homer Simpson