wtf johnny bravo naked with hitler and theyre fighting?
giant orange radda master swag kush
no talent ass clown
don't tell me what to do, patrick
manscaping wordplay is clever
Asian cat lady asking you if you want some house- I mean coke. Coca-Cola...
some black folk thank Jehovah for their giant steamed pig
two white clouds go ham on a grey cloud because he's different- but it's okay because one of them is telling him it gets better
a fat "independent" drama girl with shitty grades gazes in jealousy at two attractive east Asian chicks with big tits fighting it out
ohhhhh foxy lay-daaay
that chick from its always sunny in Philadelphia chucking a duck at a weeping kite in mid-air
a turtle contemplates the inner workings of sausage and egg omelet