"Don't worry Equius this black eyes isn't your fault. It was mine!" Nepeta consoling Equius after he accidentally hurt her.
John as a knight?
A nervous Karkat
Feferi smiling at the purple and pink cuttlefish.
Rose contemplating on how ridiculous she looks with the 'W' magnet on her face.
We warned you about the stairs, bro.
An overly buff man weeping over the loss of his flowers. They were so young.
A young boy is proud that he finally got all of his assignments done on time.
As Equius embraces his fellow hoofbeast brethren, his bow snaps for this hug was just far too strong for a measly bow.
David looks repulsed. A pair of lips is coming towards him saying, "David I need your LOVE!" What did he do to deserve this?
Why are their spiders on my hotdog!? This is an outrage!!!
A simplistic sandwich that is far too simple for this young boy.