A white blob with a black border encompassing a blue nucleus
A jolly snowman sitting crookedly in a snow globe with a red base
A white brick wall with gray squiggle graffiti on the lower left hand corner... Kind of like Mold or something.
A peach pit with a screaming man's head protruding from the top of it.
A hipster getting raped by Effie Trinkett with a large yellow key.
A severed head sits upon a once pristine plate in a plum colored dining hall. One might wonder who the chef was this evening?
An aborted fetus sits inside of a block of ice... One might wonder how it managed to take up residence in such an odd place.
A stereotypical drug dealer trying to hustle his goods near a sandwich shoppe.
A giant, radioactive tennis ball plummeting violently towards planet Earth to obliterate Earth's Flora and Fauna... Except for the Roaches.
A jynx after dyeing her hair and getting skin bleaching treatments
A citizen going after a boy in a diaper
All tutu-wearing bearded men go to heaven.