Someone killing Finn The Human, but him awesomely living and then kicking their ass.
A dolphin swimming around the moon, saying, 'Hey moon, please forget to fall down. Hey moon, don't you go down.'
An elephant distraught over the fact that the moon just fell out of the sky
'Eridan doesn't approve' written on purple scribbles
A gaming console
A purple box who's leg fell off
A blonde and a redhead just chillin'. The blonde's eating an icecream, and the redhead is raising her eyebrow incredulously.
Nerd using a pc.
Santa's elf saying, 'I hate Shrek.'
An elephant begging the moon to forget to fall down, because it'll land on her baby elephant. The mamma elephant should wear a beret.
'I luhhTuoumaah.' Or draw an elephant that eates moons for lunch.
A lady with big boobs squishing her face.