An orange striped cat, and a plain blue cat, are playing around in a cute fashion. The orange cat is a bit confused over the situation.
A cute dark-grey cat head, being pleased and relaxed. Featuring a small growing plant on its head.
A white mouse-dog as a ghost, having brown spots, and sporting a nice blue hairdo.
A fluffy panda-cat is eating bamboo in a beautiful bamboo-forest at sunset.
Blue-haired puppy screaming "no"
A bunny with a wizard hat is waving a black magical baseball bat, which is giving off sparkles.
A black, oblong thing stands over a grave and is smoking, finding the situation ironic. The grave is of the black thing's brother.
A donkey whose head is severed from its body, floating in the air, with blood splattering. The donkey does not seem to care.
Blue beak-less bird, with blushing cheeks, is unsure about the situation but says it's OK anyway.
Fully dressed man (with a visible erection) is rejecting the advances of a naked lady seen from behind.
A surprised waiter drops the food in a fancy restaurant, startled by the family's daughter flipping the bird at him.
Bald man is crying with tears in his eyes