A mildly attractive middle-aged woman prepares to be a receptionist at her local clown community college.
Nike invades the pentagon.
A sun, wearing sunglasses, is insecure about his popularity and decides to install a "just chillin" sign.
A turtle shyly greeting his teacher, whom he has a crush on.
Draw a player drawing a player drawing a drawing.
Pictured here is a member of the Nymphalidae family, otherwise known as the Great Flower Butterfly.
Pac-Man tasted the rainbow, which he learned was laced with ipecac.
Billy's mother catches him smoking a weed cigarette.
A young basketball player is crying because Gordon Freeman stole his candy and his crowbar.
A British elephant returns home from work
A worm comes home to find his wife slaughtered and being eaten by an alcoholic hummingbird.
A spider accidentally rips his own dick off