When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me. Speaking of the gameless console..*spoiler*
A lion transcends time and space itself.
Hipster album cover
"Heh heh. Plan all you want filthy goyim.. It's all according to plan."
Nomura has finally fulfilled his lifelong quest of becoming a vampire,just so he can put off releasing Type0 and Versus13 for ALL ETERNITY
Jackie Chan has such a hard on for Majora's Mask that his p3n0r has become a sword.
Your local angsty teen
Mare-e-o is missing an eye and ended up legless after the great war.
One very unique and special girl. She doesn't conform to stereotypes like the others.
Yeti attempts to watch human centipede, but he's seen enough shit in his time
The old geezer who runs the porno rental joint says Homo Luv 3 isn't in stock. Too bad.