cookie monster is all grown up and doesn't crave cookies anymore; instead, he craves ass.
a guy with a black mask, blue coat, and green pants is sad that his shoe is missing. his shoe-less foot is giving a sad face.
A "cute" explosive must go fast. also says kawaii as if saying that will make an explosive cute.
an alien with many small sharp teeth stares longingly at the lombardi trophy..which is orange for some reason.
A happy sun proclaims "center of the galexy [sic] bitch"
A bunch of grapes watch from the sidewalk as a chicken crosses the road
two powder sugar doughnuts sit in the dark
Some douche shouts yolo and, unfortunately, an intelligent person shoots himself in the head because he cant take hearing that stupid word.
three ladies during ladies night out! theyre tearing up the dance floor! one in a pink dress, one in green, and another in blue
A rose
A giant stick figure that is standing next to a normal sized stick figure says "this. is. stupid"
Portal. someone is running from the orange portal into the blue one. it says p2 above the guy