Alien mom tells alien kid to eat their damn vegetables.
A giant purple "NO!"
The Tardis floating in space.
Two pictures side by side. One is a polar bear, one is a panda bear. Both are being rained upon. An arrow connects the pictures.
Emo kid with spiky hair stares at you blankly.
Creeper saying, "I dislike the grass."
Two large spiders trying to catch flies.
An evil candy-eating Giraffe proclaims, "I AM EVIIIL and this candy is nice."
Evil stick figure proclaiming, "PS3 Sux!"
A lovely big red female anime eye with yellow eyeliner.
In Hogwarts, on a wall in blood it reads... "Enemies of the Heir beware..."
Poor Nemo (the fish) is lost in the big blue ocean.