:^) face
Character who reminds me of an old cartoon character but I can't remember which one, probably from Nick or Cartoon Network looking at orange
A scared volcano leans back while he attempts to juggle three balls with his pancake-like hands
A disappointed fat, short carrot sssslurping what appears to be cola from a can with a blue straw
Deformed bell pepper yells that he isn't a weird with an angry face
Man jumps on a trampoline, but is afraid he'll bump into the Hubble telescope since he jumped really high.
Man running away from a hurricane
Captain Falcon without a shirt or a helmet swears revenge after being stabbed in the back by a huge wood splinter
A man with blonde hair and a blonde beard wearing a brown t-shirt regrets punching his old, fat Mac pro desktop computer
A Japanese bird uses a stove and a pan to prepare some spaghetti
A hunched green man with long, green hair attempts to pick what appears to be a pink shoe from the floor.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle asks if you're "Smeckeldoufd"