gomen my doodles are bad there's something wrong with my tabletalso i am a fangirl for scott pilgrim and a bunch of other stuff
zach doing his thing- breaking the fourth wall
dedan does not approve of fanfics written by elsens
zacharie apologizing to sugar as he holds her in her dying moments. She says, "it's okay."
upside down stuck with john facing the wrong way
not-god-tier-john (the one at the start of the game) being told to do the windy thing and not having a clue as to how to do it
kanaya killing someone with her chainsaw because fanny packs are unacceptable
the batter shakin' his rump
zach telling batter off for peeing on the carpet by spraying him with water, cat-style
daden thanking zach for the stuff as zach walks away with his coat
batter claiming that zach sucks whilst being engulfed by flames
japhet sleeping in the middle of studying