A hand with fingers of the same lenght except for the thumb which has only a phalanx
Angry kid get hit by a stone in the head and says "U shouldnt do dat -incomprehensible word-"
Coat tax
Aladin asks why he bought bad shoes
A gorilla saying "Muetue". Maybe.
A guy alone in a cinema says "Is this movie supposed to be homo-erotic?"
A squid next to some bubbles. He looks surprised.
Arab girl running towards a shining chest.
Someone listening to a song called Big Dicks on his fake iPod.
Rayquaza is asking the sandwich a man has in his hand. Another man without arms and with a long penis is standing behind the first man
The grim reaper has his skull in a transparent ball and is going to take the life of a guy who's seeing the light
A face is cryin'.