A few toothed man is totally excited about this banana. His friends, the anorexic MGS soldier and big cheeked dwarf, seem to disagree.
A shellfish has a rather respectable family tree (and a beautiful house)
A boy notices some shit in the clouds. Horrified by this, he calls for his mother
A person with blue-rimmed eye glasses finally accepts his homosexuality and is immensely proud of that
Man is fishing from atop a huge turtle
Well that looks like a house. How inappropriate!
A pedofile thinks he has swag. (he doesn't)
Disgruntled man gives some clouds the finger
It says "BLUE GREEN BLACK" but blue is written in red and green is written in blue and yello- no, black is written in blYELLOW I mean god.
A peeking penguin insults you
Someone is too short. He's measuring himself and is sad
Oh hi girl with blue glasses, have some "candy"!