This is a really good picture. Probably the best picture I have seen all month. I dont think it is possible to recreate how great this is.
bison horns fall from heaven destroy kids head drops popsicle from france
A dying dragon suing a hoola hoop with judge judy.
Black background white small font lettering saying censored wolf haley robbin gay parrot
dancing weiner actin all like mr peanut and being pimp like but come on man theres no gloves or an eyeglass and like his feet dont even work
blunt smoking Sun smiling with a big fat cone in its teeth. mad shades, looking at the universe n shit
The surrealist dreams she could not escape made her wonder if life was really a good trip or a bad trip, but made her sure it was all acid.
Guck using a clothing hanger as musical triangle to call forth his ancestors of the sea, while walking on the sea to the end of the universe
suspiciously friendly fox saying hi
Checkered factorial-KABLAMING!
Kool-aid Man rocking the house with his BOOMING "OH YEAH"s" all day long, that the neighbors began to hate.
martian horse with rainbow diarhea, which it finds very pleasing