A new Broadway hit has emerged! Skyrim: The Musical! FUS ROH DAAAA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LAH!
There's only one way for the surgeon to save the life of his patient: by implanting an atomic bomb into his body! (Props to the artist!)
An arborophile hugs a Christmas tree and whispers sweet nothings to his new tree lover.
Black Michael Phelps swims the Atlantic to prove his self-worth as a swimmer and part fish-man.
derpy Casper rides a three-wheeled skateboard
a hungry, hungry hippo enjoys her lunch of one white pellet on an African river
genie in a lava lamp is a sexual pervert
The frog licks its lips, ready to snatch another bug out of the air.
Shakespeare sees flyers for his new play scattered about, with "Fuck it!" crudely written on all of them.
A ginger criminal laying in his jail bed. Alternatively, someone wearing a zebra-striped onesie.
Batman eats a hotdog...IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!
Three shiny piles of gold lay before you! Only one is the true pile. The others are phonies. Which do you pick?