If you're too lazy to draw, then why the hell are you on Doodle or Die?
I'm kawaii, I tell ya h'wat.
Quelqu'un ne peut pas parler autre chose que l'anglais.
Hella Jeff dresses up as Captain America for the 4th of July.
A man's flower dakimakura is so tsundere. (translator's note: dakimakura means "lonely man's sex pillow)
A shitty doodler is so fucking lazy that he won't even go to Google. It's okay, he probably would have drawn it shitty anyway.
I don't hate Homestuck, I just wish every chain didn't have to be broken by it.
Good thing that Amish man had a parachute.
Green house. I think it's supposed to be a homostuck icon, but just draw whatever you want because there is WAY to much homostuck here.
Pacman. There is a brown ball of yarn by him, most likely because DoD thought he was too abstract.
Oh shit it's fucking Doomguy you better straighten the fuck up before he breaks your shit
Fuck it Gastly, how the fuck did you miss with a mean look it's just fucking looking at someone