Breaking into the principal's office, stealing your report card, and changing all the F's to A+'s. Oh, and you're dressed like a pirate.
following his tragic hair loss, Ringo Starr Spider tried on the Afro Toupee and admired the results
bouncy cow does its best Richard Nixon impression. Audience is impressed.
News flash, this just in: Astronauts battle a two-headed Cheese Cat on the Moon. Will their water guns work in space? News at 11.
never be afraid to shake your money-maker, even if it jiggles!
two guys walk into a bar. One of them doesn't have arms.
someone wrote with too-large letters and ran out of space to finish his thought
Tonight on Pay-per-view: The Fight of the Century: Wolves vs. Velodsdf
Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
Root-beer-barrel Man breaks out of jail
The Higgs-Boson particle is made of hydrogen, helium, love, and unicorns
apple or tomato, I'm really not able to say why there's cheese on top