A red neck dolphin riding in the back of a confederate truck through a swamp beatin up blondes with a big ass oar.
Curiosity Rover makes a discovery
OH GOD! The rats got in to the popcorn again - run for your life!
Santa didn't leave a Brony any presents.
Under the sea, a rabid crab is annoyed at a broken laptop.
A very fancy snail dressed with monocle and top hat says, "Mow."
Oh thank God magic 8-ball. I was really worried for a minute there.
A very upset mermaid presents a skull to an e dressed like Indiana Jones. He's absolutely devastated.
A duck walks into a bar
A close up of Hypno Toad's eye. Strange symbols appear.
The newest fad going around: Take a picture of yourself, hanging yourself. I don't think this one is going to last too long.
Gee golly I sure do like sitting on all this money!