her dead zombie look tells a sad tale of struggle and hate..this once proud neighborhood has been tagged which only means that death is near
tumble weed..tiny dirt devils.dry desert wind.theres a shoot out between right hand luke & left hand randy.Helga head cries in the backgound
the world sits quietly above two chairs in a pale universe..its future seems bleak in this universe ..but underneath it all everything is ok
the gold fish is frazzled because his wife left him. He crys out to the man in the boat for sympathy, but the mad does not care.
two knights playing risk
The paper is angry because shes fat. She wishes she could be skinny and in love. Only skinny things like pencils can be in love.
Delicious Acme Brand Pasta. Way better than the "purple stuff"
WHATS IN THE BOX!??!?!??? wuts in the BOX....o god no no no no no WHATS IN THE BOXXXXXXXXXXXX AHHH>>>!!LLL!KRLKM F
"Trucker" watches the sunset in amazement from a grassy field while nyan cat helps the sunset. Trucker loves this brand of poptarts.
Louie the lightning bug is being a house and farting lightning bolts on a kid that just wants some sleep.
two black olives meet in the mountains. their love is eternal
Kermit the zombie frog lead an army of olive zombies into battle. They demand good pay!