A cube with red vertices showing three faces, one is scribbled in yellow, one is scribbled in green and the last is scribbled in blue.
A golem that believes goal is part of the spelling of golem. Oh well no one ever said golems were intelligent.
A brony's love child moments before being annihilated by the USS Enterprise
Some guy with a house for an ass launching projectile shit from said house-ass at Guys as a random question plagues the upper right corner.
Electric rodent cosplaying as da bird
QED's lesson on experimental colour math.
Purple haired person committing prolonged suicide
Angry cloud of doom sending forth the lumps of hate
The Fresh Prince's gift to a long lost cousin in The Ghetto of Philly
The girl from Wendy's finally got a promotoin and is now working full time at Mc Donalds