A man is horrified to discover he spelled purple using sticks
Kirby smokes the wrong end of a cigarette and realizes his awful mistake
A pencil tries to be scary, but doesnt do a very good job
Two men in matching outfits, hugging each other
Man with crazy ass fucking glasses. Like holy fuck man are you seeing this shit? Fucking amazing what technology can do these days...
A man cries after accidentally filling a can with dog food instead of beer
Man in a hoodie ascends into his astral form
Fucking shredded angel shoots lazers
Dinosaur mother and child go fishing
A volcano flirts with a palm tree! Lava is spewing out of this motherfucker like crazy and all that janky ass palm tree does is stare off.
Aliens giving earth a golden shower
Man is only slightly annoyed at the fact that his hand has caught fire