I am a monkey and I live on the moon. (Otherwise known as Li.)
How to Train Your Titan, a guide by Corporal Levi
The moon is angry
Link wearing the bunny-ears mask
An army of cactuars showing up to avenge Zack's death
Cloud wrestling with a gold chocobo
The Kingdom Key.
Vanitas really hates Ventus. Master Xehanort is amused.
Riku denouncing his KH2 character design- the blindfold- in favor of sunglasses. He thinks it makes him cooler.
Sora and Neku wearing each other's clothes. Sora's diggin' it. Neku was probably forced to do it.
Axel, Roxas, and Xion baking. Axel gets impatient and decides he can bake the cakes more quickly than the oven can. Saix is not amused.
Confused and vaguely offended guy asks you to repeat yourself.