White gay man is trying to get abducted by aliens as he wants to get an anal probe. Flying saucer is leaving earth and the man is crying.
2D anime girl finds out she's not 3D and cannot marry the Otaku she's in love with. I cry evrytiem ;_;
Swords clashing with sparks
Chuck Norris destroys a huge plate of mom's spaghetti with a single round house kick.
Sexual harrasment. Pink girl is way above blue guy's league. Blue guy is a creep.
Big Smokes Dog buys a new green sweater to represent Grove Street Families but shit's too damn itchy.
Ginger with unibrow in prison.
Bender enjoying a beer at the Oktoberfest
Muumilla on pippeli pystyssä
Juutalainen kauppias hieroo käsiään yhteen. Pään yläpuolella on vihreä kaari ja €-symboli
Bruce Springsteen tajuaa olevansa nainen miehen kehossa ja julkaisee levyn "Bora in the USA".