Smoking is bad for you and causes cancer, especially when you smoke badly-drawn cigars.
Owls. Everyone is fond of owls.
The toaster is sad to be a toaster. His existence is literally painful for him. As such, he can now only burn toast, and is useless.
Hello there, darkness monster! It's so nice to see you again!
Some green scribbles... Draw me a seahorse?
Why do half the people on this site seem to draw dicks all the time?
Strong people are not allowed in Wal-Mart. The Hulk is saddened by this.
"You Dont SaY?" and a messed-up looking fellow.
All the seahorses everywhere, all over the world.
Now son, don't touch that giant spider covered in "NOPE NOPE NOPE" tape.
Someone seems to wonder why every single person on the internet does not speak the same language as them, using blue text to convey this.
A man with disturbingly long arms and disturbingly short legs reaches for a box labelled "Oats." The box may not actually contain oats.