The devil smiles at a woman getting penetrated from behind by a lion, while grilling poop, while four men with erections lie in the scenery.
German swagster receives a salami pizza from David Bowie.
Cracka didn't know the drill yet..
That blessed day, young Cloud helped to light Sir Snoop Lion's majestic Party Rod. Amen.
Four paper planes in a circle summon the Hero of the Void.
Adventurer in tanktop and long scarf curses the Mayans and 'their stone masks'
A bare chested man with tank tracks instead of legs, sleeps standing next to another two people sleeping.
"Man you should try my chocolate cookies." Shoves cookie in your face.
The most beautiful girl, with the most radiating smile I have ever seen. Really.
Republican girl scared away from her laptop by figures of final election results.
Mitt Romney grew some sexy sideburns.
A ghost dancing the can-can