A documentary about the Programmer, a remarkable organism with the unique ability to turn caffeine and pizza into code
An octopus riding a bike in the desert is in love with its dog, which it keeps on its head. The lava-cactus monster is jealous.
Daft Punk Cancel Their Deal With Tidal
Walter White er í nærfötum og sokkabuxum að drekka heila koppu af bjór í einu
Neinar Brandsson
Hjörtur er kominn í fínu fötin, rosa glaður að hann fái eitthvað annað en gras í matinn
"In their tongue, he is "Dovagústi"... DRAGONBORN!" FROLAAZ NI LASK
A humanoid thumb with a drinking problem screaming at a midget
Harry Kúker
After a heavy night of drinking John wakes up with the number "42" tattooed on his hand. He wanders of its meaning
A soulless child feasting on flesh.