an artist contemplating his life choices
A fly poisoned with green yells at the world "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?" whilst at a dramatic angle
A missile flying into the mouth of a... does that say "Hipponus"? I don't know, I think it's a hippo with a bloody mouth.
a man bent over in a field cutting the bottom of a stalk of corn with a pair of scissors.
A happy nuclear explosion enjoying a spot of tea.
a one eyed alien throwing an orange baby while an astronaut with an orange beard wonders what's going on
a giant fish staring hungrily, mouth agape, at a scared earthworm on a hook
A brontosaur is blow-drying his luscious brown hair
The Death Star shooting at Fox McCloud in an arwing while someone is yelling "Do a barrel roll"
A man struck by a happy lightning bolt
A rabbit ripping the head off of a carrot.