baby godzill zaps lil monkey with it's eyes, poor monkey exclains "oh nooo"
this tree has had enough. He's running off
donald duck has murdered dolan
muscle man has a tiny gash and a tiny gash doctor standing on his extended arm - "i see"
floating handlebar moustache says 'hello wall' to a bucket of paint not yet applied to the wall
two sweaty wrestlers reassure each other that they are 'no homo' as they writhe together
blue furry jelly bean expresses its undying love for the sausages in the grill
little stick man wants to join X-Factor
well, this naked white lady has crude oil smeared over her 'lady-parts' - she is drunkenly aroused by the situation
spectacled nerd mourns for Dobby at her grave
Zeus glories over the death of some mortal
This Teenage Mutant Turtle is horrified by the pizza he was given