Superman flew so fast he broke time and turned into a baby! He looks in need of a diaper, but he's only wearing his baggy cape.
Godzilla traumatizing a limbless one-year-old by interrupting his birthday party and throwing him at his cake and balloons.
A man injected with a youth serum turns into a distressed little boy.
Three pink heart outlines surround a tight-lipped pink clam.
A surfer boy holds up his over-sized shorts and looks upset as he stands next to a pool signposted "fountain of youth".
Seen from space, a giant man surfs a colossal wave in the Northern hemisphere.
A mangled steel bicycle is crushing an earthworm beneath a blade of grass so hard that the poor creature's shadow has become detached.
"I cqn't draw This is stupid"
A green snake with black horizontal stripes. It is chilling out, making an S-shape and sticking its forked tongue out.
A fridge/freezer. The top compartment has "My Space" written on the door; the lower, "You: Anyone There?".
Lots of overlapping coloured circles.
Skeptical brown-haired dude with red paper-clip is not convinced by optimistic ginger-haired kid's argument that his stick is better.