Designer of this fine doodling game and recovering doodle addict.
Ancient Mayan spells unearth a gorilla face in a crockpot of lava
Don't worry, we're working on it. Just after this next turn ...
What happens in Vegas Snow Globe stays in Vegas Snow Globe.
Oh, Superman is very popular. Sportos, geeks, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.
The hipster guard is trying to differentiate himself by taking an arrow to the shin instead of the knee like those other jerks.
Wolverine's lesser-known brother, Bill(verine), raises his slightly askew claws to the air.
That just seems like an incredibly inefficient way to sip Merlot
The traitor tree gives away the location of the scantily-clad woman. Stupid traitorous tree.
Because life... life always finds a way.
An unhappy guard will pass on the news about the Ninja Air Fryer
The world's worst superhero coming to the realization that maybe this superheroing business just isn't his bag.
A self portrait of yourself, except as a dinosaur.