I mustache you a question...
The monster under the bed finds himself in a hospital, and realizes he doesn
A robot representing one of the many flavors of Linux finally finds peace and bluescreens in a field of green.
The president of Jamaica forbidding Americans from traveling to his country, because "They be all about da weed noways."
Aliums connect to Earth's Internet and find themselves aghast at the inordinate amount of porn.
Valve's future business dealings.
A duo of ants have entered the Promised Land of Fruit And Delight.
The artist, in his native habitat. Currently engaged in attempting to woo a potential mate, possibly.
The cucumber finds love in the unlikeliest of places: A yellow crayon.
A guy that's nothing but eyes and legs.
Sol turns out to be a wealthy sun, which leaves the moon wondering why it ever tried to woo the Earth at all.