A hick distressed by a ghost telling him that there is no gold in them hills.
Giant points a finger at a princess, directing his fish to attack! Be careful, princess!
Luigi dancing a jig over Mario's dead body (suicide via stabbing in crotch).
A stegosaurus realises that he is nothing more than an elaborate bread knife.
A locust heading to Bethlehem.
A divisive audience trying to determine the artistic integrity of a painting.
A piece of bling that appears to be a golden leaf. Suitable for all ages.
A most exquisite amulet, with a malachite gemstone set at the forefront.
A giant gun with a pink mouth. The muzzle has a horizontal slot for coins.
The lower half of a man attempting to bend over. Not sure what the top half is doing.
Mouse battles keyboard with swords. Monitor should be getting concerned.
Amateur painter practicing with pink elephants.