A snake that wants some cow/sock hybrids. Possibly to eat.
that green alien guy from lilo and stitch drowning because he drank too much
A giant llama rampaging throughout the land of the fairies, guided by a single white dove up ahead in the black sky
A large cat drinking a cup of something with a dude in there and a ice cream sundae looking at it disapprovingly.
A sock wanting a brown dig
what the flying frickity frack is this?
Girl saying 'I feel pretty' standing in a swamp
A sad blue bear in a Shrek mask
The letters L and R travelling through an underground sewer
One of those gold-shirted star trek guys with laser beam glasses
A My Little Pony questioning it's existence
The void. It has no beginning nor end. Everything was, is and will be the void. Nothing can escape it.