disco cow pissing on a twister mat
Purple people eater, wearing a blue striped tie, seems quite sad.
smug squirrel climbing some invisible stairs
Jaws smiling with anticipation as he approaches a massive orange mushroom.
Bob goes to the doctor to remove a finger caught in his hair, following a nasty bar fight
At last! The pink pony is on fire, soon to be eliminated from the universe! All is well with the world now!
A happy pastel UFO engaging its tractor beam
The secret level of Street Fighter II, where a Bro pops up from the grass telling you how uncool you are.
Dude with a hammer putting up a NO FUN sign
I love you. Let's jump off this cliff together. Oh shit, who brought the parachute? Honey? Noooooooo!
It is very dark. A Lone White Man with a fish on his head stalks his prey, carefully camouflaging himself with rope.
bearded goony dude staring into goatse with love