The description above this previous drawing was too much for the artist to handle! Go ahead and just draw something nice to cheer them up.
Canada and America having sex, except instead of being filthy it's hilarious.
Hussie and Kanaya's lovechild has no idea how to land a fork.
Link is trying to be scary but can't because he's too damn kawaii.
I'm thirsty, draw me a drink! (See look? I didn't ask for Homestuck! You party poopers happy?)
A homeless guy getting money. He has a stylish hat made out of a paper bag.
Fem!America. What a hot biababhat.
Karkat is not amused (This doodle made me giggle)
Serket City. ::::)
Lil Cal holding a tiny Anon. Cal water you doin??
Spongebob has to come to grips with his crippling alcoholism.
Shirt haired girl gets bitten by an asshole chicken. What a cock. (HAHAHA I made a joke)