The adventures of a toothpaste golem "TEEF" and his best friend the turf monster
Am I BUGGGGING you, Angel? Eh? Eh? Get it? BUG-ging? THAT'S THE JOKE
The first thing you need to do is to find a unicorn and get it to cry
Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location in the Nevada Desert...
Earthshattering farts. Learn to demolish your foes with the force of your devastating flatulence
Home alone and bored
Granny Smith uses her evil witch powers to turn Fluttershy into Weird Al Yankovic! Also, noses!
A mummy stubs his toe on a confused, flatulent dog
We are brought to tears by the size of the thing. Or maybe that's just the drugs getting to me
"Hey, why don't you pose for a picture on those train tracks? It'll look great! I'm pretty sure no one uses these tracks anymore"
I'm sure there was an advantage to building a _fat_ robot Rainbow Dash, but for life of me I'm just not seeing it
I will look even cuter thanks to this expensive video game hat