A beautiful old dragon lies in his somewhat cramped cave dwelling surrounded by mountains, lights a candle with his flames and reads a book
fidel castro stranded on a desert island, elvis in the background
If you were a dinosaur what colour would you be? I need to know, quick?!
"Redneck Potter and the Barn of Secrets" the Southern reprint of the second Harry Potter book
Hitler betrayed by Heinz, who stands over him in a giant robotic suit with a fiendish look in his eye
Intergalactic pizza deliveries: with you within half a light year or your order is free!
a student is having trouble with some maths problems, maybe because they're invisible
a hybrid lion/snake/bird animal living happily
A stray dog is punched with a green fist by a flying drone
a crestfallen sea captain rests his foot on a barrel of his booze as his boat "Tugger" slowly sinks..
A silly officer is anguished as his lighter breaks whilst trying to burn a JB CD, meanwhile, another soldier has found the Rebecca Black...
a responsible black man has locked his bike away safely, just like any other responsible citizen