I have officially retired the handle "drrrrrra." I only picked it as a throw-away because I didn't think I'd be playing for more than a night.Two years and 10553 steps later, I think it is time to hang it up.I'll still be here, under a different name. Which I won't tell you here. Figure it out on your own, idiots.
an italian chef with a very curly moustache holds a glob of mayonnaise in one hand and a glob of green slime in the other & says "mama mia!"
Brown puppy with eyes so large he might be an alien in disguise.
Confused blue blob asks what.
A very stylish gay vampire whi is also a super hero. Like, if Paul Lynde were a thin, anime, super-vampire. Wearing shades.
Joe Biden dressed as Luke Skywalker.
Captain Caveman, if he were a rural school marm.
A evil LAPD officer chases a black woman (July Jones) while a rainbow muffin watches, agast.
Shooting a booger out of his own nose. This man is a skilled sharpshooter.
A fish is weeping a large-eyed naked blob man pees onto a Chinese word or letter.
Emo marshmallow thinking of suicide while peering into a bottomless pit.
A dolphin king is kissing (and thus blessing) Dig'Em the Sugar Smacks from mascot.
Chiyo Mihama is losing at UNO. She is unhappy.