Pacman is the sun, and his glory shines upon a lesser mortal
Two gentlemen stand with smiles on their faces, each with his hand resting on a piece of poo that stands next to them. The poos are smiling.
Tywin Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West and Hand of the King, stands with his son, the imp Tyrion.
It's a god damned mess
A painter completes his masterpiece and says 'perfect!'
Mario and Luigi die of thirst in a desert. All that remains of them is their hats resting upon their skulls
Cell fires a beam from his mouth and it hits Batman
A man thinks about something, with a large smile on his face
A doodle is 3spooky8me
A man runs away from a Super saiyan
A fat boy is crying in the corner