so that's all im a to you a walking a talking stereotype well i think a this a marriage is a over mama mia youse a woman

so its like a candy cane or a pole i dont know i do this job to feed my family but lately ive been thinkin is it worth it? am i a bad person

oh yes roger i oh god all the time especially at the homeless a ha a ha a ha a ha rather smashing don't you think. Fuck you dad

so u lik hats how abot these fuckin hats u whore put dem on I wana c u wit dem on oh yea fuck yea.No more jon i wana stop.i say when we stop

No there isn't vomit isn't something you see rather something that you feel inside don't you get it Maggie. I get that your a fucking idiot

it figures a Mexican would do this hi what you read there was racism avoid it unless its with whites thank you "the more you know"

I asked for a woman not FUCKING Corey and Trevor for FUCKS SAKE WHAT IN THE FUCK ?!!!

tippity tippity dotty dotty sings the lonely trout snippity snappity pippity pappity is what hes all about

oh so this is what ur doin wit urself i see u really improved on ur life since i left billy don't u dare shake at me im not the one who left

oh doodlebot i fucking hate everything about you why don't you change into someone pleasant than i could care about you but i don't rite now

i am an alcoholic because of me my daughter is dead i hate myself i hate my life but i wanna make a change that's why i came here today

peter nickle eater made a big mistake he ate my daughter and now he falters to regain his strength no one rapes kids peter now u hav no shoe


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