A man with green hair is angry at you for driving your car through a hospital. His hair may be ridiculous, but he has a point, you know.
(Presumably) Jesus wearing snazzy robes and holding an olive branch (likely as a sign of peace). However, Jesus may just like olives.
An angry, short, maskless teenage mutant ninja turtle sits there and stares at you with its disapproving unibrow face.
kanri sees porrim's bare chest so he summons his persona
A typical school day.
A gigantic walrus watches silently over a small like with a sailboat in it. The walrus is content. The walrus likes its lake.
Mr. Tumnus carrying a red umbrella and dancing ceremoniously around a well known lamp post.
E.T. arrives on a strange planet and encounters a small green robed figure. "E.T Home?" he asks. The figure replies, "No, Dagobah this is."
a man looking very surprised by a devilsteak
highblood karkat
Blood leaks from a green eye.
The ginger bread man beats a dead horse.